Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Drug Rehab Programs: Variety and Effectiveness

There are thousands of drug rehab or drug treatment programs available throughout the United States. They term themselves drug rehab, drug treatment, addiction treatment facility, free standing addiction treatment, detox and a host of other names. I wanted to take a moment and explain the differences to you.

In many cases, your choice of a drug treatment or alcohol treatment facility will hinge on several factors: medical and psychiatric care, comprehensiveness of the program, licensure of program and staff, family program, relapse prevention program and aftercare program. In addition, there is of course a person's ability to pay for their drug or alcohol rehab facility.

Drug Rehab Center

Listed below will be a list of the various types of programs you may encounter on your search for a drug rehab, alcoholism or addiction treatment program:

Drug Rehab (free standing facility ) this is a stand alone facility, specializing in the treatment of drug addiction or alcoholism. It is not part of a general hospital. Drug Addiction (free standing facility) same as above Alcoholism Treatment (free standing facility) same as above Drug Rehab (hospital based) this is a program that is usually located on a private wing within a general hospital. The addict or alcoholic who has developed complicated medical or psychiatric problems might be better off detoxing within the confines of a hospital. Allow an addiction specialist or physician to make that decision for you. Addiction Treatment (hospital based) same as above Alcoholism Treatment (hospital based) same as above Detox Program (hospital based or free standing) is a level of care in which a person is medically monitored in an effort to assist them with the withdrawal symptoms associated with drug addiction or alcoholism. The greater the medical needs of an individual, the better the chances of their need for a hospital based detox. Long Term Residential Addiction Treatment Programs are generally free standing facilities, designed for the addict or alcoholic whose recovery needs warrant a longer period of time than a typical 30 day addiction treatment program can provide.

As you can see there are many different types of centers available for drug rehab. Don't be fooled by promises of success rates or that one is less expensive than another, when you are trying to find an alcohol and drug rehab facility. Base your decision on where to go on your specific needs and the services the drug rehab provides.

Drug Rehab Programs: Variety and Effectiveness

Monday, October 3, 2011

Is Drug Rehab the Ultimate Consequence of Marijuana Use?

Pot, herb, weed, grass, widow, reefer, ganja, cannabis, hash, Bubble Gum, Northern Lights, Fruity Juice, Afghani #1, Skunk, and dozens of other nicknames - call it what you will, marijuana is still the most commonly abused illicit drug in the United States. And the decades-long debate about whether it's good or bad for you continues at all levels of society, from research scientists down to the pot-smoking stoner in the street. Whatever the answer is, the latest government treatment figures reveal marijuana as the primary drug of abuse in 15 percent of all admissions to treatment clinics and drug rehab programs in the United States - more than a quarter of a million people.

Let's take a quick, brief look at the history of the pros and cons of marijuana.

Drug Rehab Center

Back in 1936, an anti-marijuana documentary-style propaganda film called Reefer Madness was shown in b-rated theaters across the US. It begins with a teacher warning pupils and their parents against the dangers of marijuana. But a group of students fall prey to pushers, and descend into madness and murder after they smoke "reefers". Treatment in a proper drug detox or drug rehab environment is never suggested as a solution. In those days, reefers were the end of life as we know it. So that was one early, and we admit, extreme view.

Incidentally, a year later new anti-cannabis laws were introduced by Commissioner of Narcotics Harry J. Anslinger, widely considered to be the country's first "drug czar", who told Congress: "If the hideous monster Frankenstein came face to face with the monster marijuana, he would drop dead of fright."

Now let's jump forward a couple of generations. By the 1960s, any questions about negative effects, addiction problems, or the need for marijuana abuse drug rehab has little relevance. Millions of Americans now view pot as a benign and helpful herb - peace and love, brother! But the government continues to battle marijuana with harsh penalties for possession and distribution, and pushers are still called "drug peddlers" - as if the word "peddler" carries some negative, evil connotation.

Meanwhile, scientists have not been idle. On the one hand, marijuana has proven to be helpful for a host of medical problems. It dramatically reduces the side effects of chemotherapy and improves the appetites for cancer and AIDS patients. It reverses some of the effects of glaucoma. And most recently, at Harvard, marijuana smoke was discovered to reduce lung cancer tumors by 50% while reducing metastasis, or spreading of the disease. There's no question that it is helping patients in some medical areas, but the question remains as to whether marijuana's side-effects - problems with memory and learning, distorted perception, difficulty in thinking and problem solving, loss of coordination, increased heart rate, and others - might lead to the need for drug detox or drug rehab even among medical patients.

On the flip side, other studies show that marijuana is the easily-available and most common stepping-stone to "hard" drugs, adding not only to the numbers of people committing drug-related crime, but also of addicts requiring drug rehab. A UK study points to an increase in psychoses by as much as 40% among long-term users, while an Australian study warns that teenagers with a certain genetic vulnerability are at risk of psychosis just by smoking pot once a week.

Whether marijuana is a benign and misunderstood substance bestowed on mankind by a benevolent Mother Nature or an evil scourge that drives people crazy isn't the real issue. The issue is that, like it or not, marijuana is not the benevolent bringer of peace to man, but a continuing source of problems in our society. And the evidence for this is the hundreds of thousands of people needing treatment and drug rehab every year because of their involvement with marijuana.

Is Drug Rehab the Ultimate Consequence of Marijuana Use?

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Gay Drug Rehab Programs in Illinois

Drug Rehab programs and alcohol rehab programs have been available for the heterosexual community in Illinois for the last 25 years. The drug rehabs in Illinois have been of high quality and both inpatient and outpatient drug addiction treatment. There has been drug rehab programs for almost any kind of drug addiction or alcohol addiction. You can find drug rehab programs for the elderly, adolescent, men or women, but the GLBT population (gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender) seems to have been forgotten. Where do the GLBT go where they can receive drug rehab treatment without being judged?

Gay Addiction Treatment History Historically, the GLBT community suffering from drug addiction or alcoholism, were expected to fit into primarily heterosexual drug rehab or alcohol rehab programs. Can you imagine being heterosexual and being asked to fit into a gay drug rehab program or gay alcohol rehab program. What do you think your drug rehab experience would be like?

Drug Rehab Center

Today, the approach to treating the GLBT population has changed greatly. You can find drug rehab or alcohol rehab programs such as Lakeview Freedom Rings that has designed drug rehab for the GLBT population within the structure of a state of the art addiciton treatment program. Drug rehab programs such as this, have begun to emerge, but on a limited basis.

What is the Clinical Structure Within the Drug Rehab Program The gay drug rehab component is almost a program within a program. While the gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender certainly have their own set of specific issues, people are people and addicts are addicts. Any quality gay addiction treatment component will have its own addiction therapist trained in meeting the recovery needs of the GLBT population, the staff at the drug rehab center will receive sensitivity training and education to reduce and sometimes eliminate any homophobic attitudes and the GLBT patients will participate in clinical services with the rest of the population outside of their component.

Illinois Gay Drug Rehab Services

Unfortunately there are not many drug rehab centers in Illinois with "true" gay addiction treatment or gay alcohol treatment components within the confines of the drug rehab or alcohol rehab. When looking for a Illinois Gay Drug Rehab or Illinois Gay Alcohol Rehab you might want to call 1-800-511-9225, a gay friendly addiction treatment helpline or go to ................................... www.gay-rehab.com.

Gay Drug Rehab Programs in Illinois

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Free Alcohol Rehab

Drug And Alcohol Rehab Services offers centers and treatment programs throughout the country to help alcoholics and their families find effective ways to deal with alcohol and addiction.

The Drug and Alcohol Rehab Services will work with you to find a center that can best serve your (or your loved one's) needs. There is no consultation fee for the services they provide.

Drug Rehab Center

They offer a website that will direct you to centers throughout the United States that offer alcohol rehabilitation treatment problems at little or no cost. These centers provide a safe place for an alcoholic to receive treatment for chemical dependency. They will work with you to find out which program or center will best serve your needs.

They maintain relationships with treatment programs and organizations throughout the country, and if money is an issue, they will find the best rehab and alcohol rehabilitation programs available that are free of charge. They will help a client find appropriate referrals to a number of community resources that are also free of charge, and they will provide a client with in-depth drug and alcohol education regarding their options for intervention, drug treatment and continuing care. There website is http://www.drugandalcoholrehab.net.

Alcoholics Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women addicted to alcohol who share their experiences at meetings held throughout local communities. Although donations are accepted, the only requirement to join AA is the desire to stop drinking. There is an AA chapter available in the UK and there is also an online intergroup of AA online.

Free Alcohol Rehab

Friday, September 30, 2011

Equine Assisted Therapy in Drug Rehab - Horses Never Lie!

Pack and prey animals, horses have evolved to be incredibly attuned to the emotions of those around them, and when a horse and an equine assisted therapist get together, it results in a powerfully revealing therapeutic method.

You can lie to your therapist, but a horse - a horse only accepts the truth!

Drug Rehab Center

Equine assisted therapy occurs un-mounted, there is no riding involved, and it is an emerging treatment for people suffering an addiction to drugs or alcohol.

How does it work?

In equine assisted therapy, the client will be asked to interact with a horse. Asked to lead, feed, groom or even catch a horse loose in the stables. As we perform this task, and interact with the horse, the therapist observes closely, and by watching the horse, learns something about us!

Horses are said to mirror the human soul. If you approach a horse in anger, the horse gets stubborn. If you act fearfully, the horse acts concerned, and if you show anxiety, the horse gets worried. We can hide our inner feelings pretty well from those around us, but horses always spot us for who we are - and the horses that will mirror our feelings, have no interest in hiding theirs.

After the interaction, the therapist will take what was observed and use it as a basis for discussion and therapy. Equine therapy sometimes occurs in a group setting, in which case the entire group will discuss what was revealed through the interaction.

We are often reluctant to talk about our deep fears and problems, and sometimes we are not even consciously aware of them. After a brief interaction with a horse, our characters are shown, and therapy can reach to the heart of our challenges and needs.

Emotional - not intellectual

A horse is a big and imposing animal - and working with a horse requires a physical and emotional response. You don't think a lot - you just do.

For many in addiction recovery, an intellectualization of our problems inhibits growth and lasting recovery. We think ourselves into believing that others are the cause of our problems, and it can be quite tough for a therapist to convince us otherwise, in a conventional therapeutic environment.

But in the barn, far removed from the office and couch of "talk therapy" we demonstrate our characters and problems in a physical and emotional way. We show others what's impeding our growth, and it's often a very personally revealing process as well.

Equine assisted therapy can break down our walls of denial. Horses just don't fall for it.

Additional Benefits of Equine Assisted Therapy

Working with horses calms the angry, can provide a sense of accomplishment to the fearful and can lead to real communication from the bottled up. Although a horse can be intimidating at first, these animals don't judge in any way, and in developing a relationship with a horse, we can learn how to develop honest relationships in life. Most patients find equine assisted therapy a valuable tool in a recovery program. It offers them new insights into their true natures and the challenges to growth.

Equine Assisted Therapy in Drug Rehab - Horses Never Lie!

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Alcohol and Drug Rehab: Substance Abuse and Mental Health Issues

According to the National Institute of Mental Health, depression is the most common diagnosis among adults in the United States today. It is estimated that one out of three depressed people suffer from some form of addiction or substance abuse problem. In addition to the above, there appears to be a common tendency among those suffering from depression to abuse drugs or alcohol as a means of coping with their symptoms. Many of these people end up with an addiction to those substances.

Dual diagnosis can create a very complex situation for both the professional, as well as, the individual. One of the obstacles they face is while the person may feel depressed, there are many drugs, including alcohol that create symptoms similar in nature to depression. The "million dollar" question is, which came first, the depressive disorder or the addiction/alcoholism causing it?

Drug Rehab Center

Although there appears to be a clear link between depression and addiction or drug/alcohol use, it is not clear that one necessarily precedes the other. Many times though, the depressive disorder appears first and the person begins to use drugs or alcohol as a means to better cope with the symptoms. This type of self-medication generally leads to addiction or alcoholism with the person in need of drug rehab or alcoholism treatment. Regardless of which issue develops first, they must be treated co-currently in rehab for the person to fully recover.

The most important thing is to work with a physician who fully understands drug addiction, alcoholism and is associated with an accredited addiction treatment center.

Alcohol and Drug Rehab: Substance Abuse and Mental Health Issues

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Drug Rehabilitation Facts and Options

Drug addiction is one of the major concern that most of the people are struggling with so many years around the globe. People who are addicted to any sort of drug not only ruins the addicts life but also puts bad impact on family, relatives, friends and all the people around them. This is something which should not be taken as lightly because any delay in the treatment can be very devastating and sometimes may result into death. For them one of a better and an appropriate way to come out from this vicious circle is going for drug rehab treatment New Jersey. Here are some vital information about the drug addiction as well as effective treatment programs that will certainly help you in finding a best one for loved ones.

One of the bitter truth about this life threatening disease is millions of people get addicted to drugs and thousands of them die every year without getting proper treatment. Therefore, if there is anyone suffering from any sort of drugs, then treatment should always be a goal. Whether the addicts is dependent on pain killers, street drugs, alcohol or many others substance there is a suitable way to kick this habit. One of the better and effective way to get rid of this habit is to send them to a center for drug rehabilitation New jersey. These treatment center help them in staying away from day-to-day issue and offer suitable rehabilitation programs and allows them to get better. With the help of professionals they offer treatment programs which cover physical as well as psychological behavioral of the patients.

Drug Rehab Center

Most of the treatment center offers detoxification as the first and foremost step of treating patients. In this two to three weeks rehabilitation program, professionals and support staff try to eliminate the toxic materials from the body of addicts with the help of suitable medicines. These professionals and support staff are always ready in handling any challenges during this program because usually patients show severe withdrawal symptoms. It is highly recommended that detoxification programs should be carried under the trained and qualified professionals because there is possibility of relapses if it is not handled with care. Detoxification is one of a sure shot method used most of center for rehabilitation New Jersey because they make patient ready for other treatment program. Once the patient is detoxified they have options to choose between outpatient and inpatient treatment programs (known as residential treatment).

The inpatient treatment is suitable for those patients who are suffering from serious addiction or already have a history of substance abuse. Depending upon nature of addiction this rehabilitation program could last from six to twelve months or may be extended if needed. And intensive outpatient treatment programs are suitable for those who are suffering from mild addiction. In this programs, patients have to visit the therapy center frequently so that proper medication and treatment should be given.

Hence, for the purpose of achieving best rehab treatment New Jersey residents have to be provident in their selection.

Drug Rehabilitation Facts and Options

Monday, September 26, 2011

How Do Rehabilitation Facilities Operate?

Each drug and alcohol rehabilitation facility is unique, so there is no definitive answer to how a facility will operate as a person works to recover from a drug addiction or alcohol addiction. Many people think that all drug and alcohol treatment facilities are just like the places they see in the movies. Nothing could be farther from the truth. The truth is that the treatment facilities for drug and alcohol addiction are just as unique as the people who utilize them on their roads to sobriety. In fact, getting sober usually relies heavily on the addict finding a rehab program that works for him/her (instead of trying to force themselves to adapt to something strange or different).

Inpatient Drug Rehab Centers

Drug Rehab Center

When an alcoholic or drug addict checks into an inpatient drug rehabilitation center or treatment program, he will usually be asked to pack a bag with clothing and a few personal effects. This largely depends on the rules of the treatment center-some centers restrict clients in terms of clothing types, colors, etc. When checking in, the bag will be examined to make sure that the client isn't bringing any drugs or alcohol in with him and then he will be shown to his room. In most rehabilitation facilities, the rooms house two or three people. After check in and orientation, the client can expect to have strictly regimented days. A schedule is enforced to create a structured environment. The day will usually feature an individual therapy session, a group therapy session, some education classes and community activities (and meals of course). Some inpatient drug rehabs are stricter than others. It is important to choose a rehab facility that works well with your individual needs.

Outpatient Drug Rehab Centers

Outpatient drug rehabilitation centers offer their clients a lot more freedom than they will find at an inpatient facility. Some outpatient drug rehab programs are run much like inpatient facilities-a client will check in and be given a safe place to stay while he or she detoxes and then participate in activities and therapy when they want/need to. Other outpatient facilities entrust that you will show up for your therapy and education appointments and allow you to live offsite. You know yourself better than anyone. If you feel like you can handle the responsibility of staying sober in the "regular" world while you work through your addiction, you should choose one of the outpatient facilities that have more leniency.

Some drug addicts are just not able to get sober when faced with the "regular world." They need the comfort and seclusion of a drug rehab facility to help them as the drugs and alcohol leave their systems and they work to stay sober and get over their drug dependence. Other addicts are able to live at home and regain their sobriety without the help of a 24/7 facility. When choosing a drug rehab be sure to pick one that has the ability to fill your specific needs.

How Do Rehabilitation Facilities Operate?

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Should a Drug Counselor Also Be a Recovering Addict?

The problems of overcoming addiction are something only one who has overcome them can completely understand. Others can study addiction, work with addicts and even live with addicts and begin to see what the effects of addiction to drugs or alcohol are. But there is a vast difference between truly and fully knowing something and merely knowing about something. The addiction scholars can study for years and never completely understand the life of the addict.

The drug addicted person has experiences that others can only study. The overwhelming urges and cravings that the addicted person feels are something that he cannot fully explain to anyone who has not felt them personally. But just being addicted does not make him or her an expert on addiction! In fact, many drug dependent individuals are completely in the dark about what is happening to them and why they continue to use drugs or drink themselves into oblivion every chance they get.

Drug Rehab Center

In order to be a drug counselor, you do not have to become addicted. Drug addiction is not a required course or training step in becoming an expert in the field. Talented and well trained counselors who themselves have never used, still help people escape drug and alcohol abuse and compulsions everyday. They save more lives and improve the lot of more families than workers in nearly any other field.

But, in my experience, the counselors who are well trained and dedicated AND have overcome addiction themselves have an extra something, an added dimension that can help them to get inside the mind and life of their cases and often this can make the difference between success and failure for the addict.

So, while it is not necessary for a counselor to be a recovered addict, and someone who has recovered is not automatically an expert, the combination of the two can sometimes make a real powerhouse of a guide. One who can lead drug addicts and alcoholics through the dark times and into the light of drug-free living.

Tony Bylsma CCDC

Should a Drug Counselor Also Be a Recovering Addict?

Friday, September 23, 2011

Top 10 Drug Treatment Centers

Substance abuse has ruined more lives than all the other dreaded diseases combined. It affects the body and eats away the mind, until a person is little more than a shell that responds only to a noxious poison. Addiction is a disease and must be treated as such; the few places that are authorized to offer respite from this plague are drug treatment centers.

Substance abuse, unfortunately, is still viewed as a social and moral stigma. The psychological aspect of abuse is hardly considered; people do not easily sympathize with addicts. Moreover, when legally banned substances such as cocaine, opium, and LSD are concerned, addicts are treated like criminals when they really should be treated as patients. This mode of action does nothing to reduce the incidence of drug abuse nor does it provide rehabilitation for drug users. The problem of substance abuse can only be solved when the addicts themselves recognize their plight and seek help. This however, is a very improbable scenario since their ability to see the truth is as wasted as they are. Thus, it is family and friends who really need to recognize the symptoms and intervene to stop their loved ones from slowly killing themselves. The only solution for individuals, therefore, is to take the plunge and either end the addiction or let it end them.

Drug Rehab Center

There are many drug treatment centers in the United States. Most of them are dedicated to the treatment of high-profile drug abusers and are highly snooty, not to mention expensive. Their facilities and prices make hardly any sense for addicts that come from the general public. A large percentage of the drug treatment centers are managed and supported by government agencies. Usually these are meant for convicted drug abusers who need to sober up before they commence their sentence. Both types of places may rank amongst the top ten drug treatment centers, although they are of hardly any practical use to most people. The best places to recover from substance abuse are the secluded government or private facilities that actually treat addicts with care and show them that they matter. The top drug treatment centers provide support and medical attention, and actually help individuals to turn their lives around.

Top 10 Drug Treatment Centers

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Faith Based Drug addiction treatment

Faith is personal. Each person is different and the faith is expressed in different ways to express. Some people claim no faith at all. It 'important to understand, for the purposes of this article that this article speaks of faith, the belief in an omnipotent and omnipresent, meaning "God". Many former addicts swear that the only thing that helped them overcome drug and alcohol addiction and faith to work with a faith-based treatment program. While this articledoes not attempt to assert that faith-based drug rehab programs are the best option is for them as a viable option for people who are looking for an alcohol or drug addiction can be overcome to explore.

Treatment centers drug and alcohol are very proud to participate in their faith-based drug and alcohol rehabilitation counseling programs. There are many people who have been offered by faith-based program of care centers, and swear by its effectiveness. The program works with the traditional "twelveSteps "and drug and alcohol helps find the way back to sobriety through a program of the Christian-based programs.

Drug Rehab Center

How does faith on drug and alcohol addiction treatment work?

Scripture Reading

People in a faith-based drug and alcohol rehabilitation program, you can access some 'time to the study include the writings of the Old and New Testaments. This is a program based on the writings for inspiration and advice on how to create a new pathan addiction in the world, once sober. There are study sessions and individual therapy sessions to examine where the addict and his / her advisor or study groups to discuss Scripture and verse of the Bible and help their importance and how this verse can be compared to their sobriety.

Advisory Group

While the advisory group is an integral part of all programs, drug rehabilitation and alcohol advisory group treatment of drug, a faith-based treatmentCentre will take ideas based on faith: God Speaks, how to talk to God and ask him for help for studies such as the sobriety and the Church's history can be used as a point of strength, a person works, to be sober. Many advocates of group therapy embrace of the Divine as a mechanism of coping strategy.

The Twelve Steps

The Twelve Steps have been quite famous in recent decades, and are an essential ingredient for any faith-based treatment program. "WorkingSteps "is a concept familiar to addicts of all colors and many find this" road map "towards the recovery of drug reassuring (even if it proves a challenge). The twelve steps from the suffering of a person with a drug habit from the beginning of the recovery (assuming there is a problem of living) is a sober life, free from drugs and alcohol.


All faith-based drug rehabilitation treatment programs incorporate some time in church. Many people who go through afaith-based drug rehabilitation program, find comfort in routine and predictability of the church and participating in regular services. During the period of service is inspired by the divine, many drug users also gain comfort in the routine of the church. The familiar routine helps drug addicts with the rocky path that includes teacher always sober.

There are a couple of treatment centers drug and alcohol is very popular in Florida that faith-based rehabilitation are. Afaith-based programs should also include the popular twelve-step program to be effective for drug addicts and alcoholics. Combine writing classes, with on-site counseling pastor, sessions of individual therapy, group therapy and mandatory church attendance (only for those that are faith-based recovery track

The truth is that even if you're not in itself a divine being, and for those who believe in God, believe in faith based drug rehab is one of the best waysavailable. Where else can you try to find comfort in simple, if not in their faith? Faith-based treatment program on the twelve step program offers a higher success rate. Those who have achieved long term sobriety usually help a higher power of love in their life to them and use them to reason again. Faith-based treatment programs are proving to be successful for many years and will continue in the coming years.

Faith Based Drug addiction treatment

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Inpatient Treatment Versus Outpatient Treatment at Drug and Alcohol Rehab Centers

Drug and alcohol rehab centers are designed to provide a comprehensive treatment to the patient. These centers are essentially of two major categories, namely, inpatient treatment centers and outpatient treatment centers. The difference between the two rehabs rests in the location of treatment, severity of addiction and the respective strength of the treatment programs.

Inpatient treatment program, popularly known as the residential treatment, includes programs, which aim to provide 24-hour backup. In other words, the patient is under constant supervision. The treatment programs incorporate both physical and psychiatric health assistance. Usually, this treatment continues over many months. It can be derived that such programs are designed for people with severe alcohol or drug addiction. Before undergoing such an intense treatment, patients have to give an assessment test to prove they are fit for such a treatment. Often, physically weak patients cannot stand the extremity of inpatient treatment programs.

Drug Rehab Center

The programs are well structured and designed into a rigid routine format. It is comparable to a strict military regime, where the individuals have to follow some set rules and instructions without any fail. Inpatient, in short implies, in-bound. The patient cannot be taken for granted even for a second, as he is susceptible to fall for a relapse. It is for this reason that the conditions are rigid and strict so that there is no way to escape.

Effective detoxification, abstinence, eating disorder treatment, pain treatment and guidance through Alcoholics Anonymous are some of the inpatient treatment methods. Once the patient is through with intensive inpatient program, he proceeds to extensive inpatient treatment program. The duration and cost of inpatient treatment varies in accordance to the duration and severity of the patient. However, usually, it is far expensive than outpatient treatment.

Outpatient treatment program, as obvious from the name, is not confined to a particular place. It is meant for less severe cases, when the patient need not remain in the center for weeks, but can pay some regular visits as and when required. Nearly 85% of the patients opt for this treatment. It is usually used for the treatment of eating disorder, pains and drug overdose. The outpatient treatment programs are most productive for those who cannot leave their wok or duty. The flexibility and freedom offered by such programs are the best features that make these a popular choice.

Unlike inpatient programs, there is limited or no focus on nutritional needs and medical condition of the patient. Instead, the outpatient treatment incorporates music therapy, individual and family programs. The best aspect of these drug and alcohol rehab programs is that the patient is within the support of his dear ones. Moreover, the cost of this treatment is very less in comparison to inpatient treatment.

Both the treatments are effective on their respective stands. The selection choice depends on the severity of the patient, affordability and medical advice. A person who is on the verge of losing his sane sense due to addiction cannot gain much out of outpatient treatment. Similarly, a mild overdose of alcohol or drug can be rectified by family therapies provided by outpatient programs. So, one should make the appropriate choice in selecting the drug and alcohol treatment center.

Inpatient Treatment Versus Outpatient Treatment at Drug and Alcohol Rehab Centers

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Drug Abuse In Colorado

Mexican trafficking organizations are the ones that are responsible for the heavy influx of most varieties of drugs in the state of Colorado. While the distribution of marijuana, methamphetamine, heroin, and cocaine is under their control, club drugs are mostly distributed by independent traffickers who depend of suppliers both within and outside the United States. As such, street gangs that are a part of criminal organizations operating in Texas, Mexico, and California provide the drugs to users. Easy availability of drugs in Colorado is a contributing factor in the increase in the number of drug users and the number of meth users has more than doubled from 2000 to 2005.

Colorado Department of Transportation (CDOT) declared that the number of DUI arrests for New Year's Eve holiday went up to 449, which was much higher than the previous year's record of 407. These arrests were done during the enforcement period of The Heat Is On Campaign and speak volumes about the popularity of drugs in parties and clubs. More than eighty percent of convicts in Colorado prisons are believed to have substance-abuse problems and many of them have landed up in jail due to drug related crime.

Drug Rehab Center

Cocaine is one of the most popular drugs in Colorado, though heroin and meth are also abused by most drug users. Colorado receives a steady supply of meth from Mexico and California where there are plenty of clandestine labs that produce the deadly drug. Club drugs happen to be one of the most dreaded types of drugs as they bring along other crimes such as prostitution, violence, and pornography. There is a great demand for MDMA while others like GHB, LSD, and Ketamine are also popular in the nightclub scene. Marijuana, which is supposedly the most abused drug in the state, comes from Mexico while its most potent and expensive version "BC Bud" is smuggled into the state from British Columbia, and the Pacific Northwest.

The state of Colorado is currently involved in introducing different programs to deter drug traffickers and discourage drug abuse. They have attained considerable success in closing down several meth labs in Colorado thereby reducing the supply. Over the past five years, drug use among the young populations has reduced by almost 20 percent which means Colorado's efforts in fight against drugs are on the right track.

People can choose from a wide range of drug rehab programs offered in drug rehab and treatment centers across Colorado. They need to carefully understand what a rehab center can do for their loved one to help him fight drugs effectively. Some drug rehabs may not offer a drug detox program, which is usually regarded as one of the most important aspects of a treatment program. Although people can count on an efficient drug rehab center to overcome addiction, they also need to practice resistance techniques that they had acquired there to stay away from all those stimulants that can trigger the addiction again. This could be a place where they abused drugs for the first time or a pal with whom they abused drugs.

Drug Abuse In Colorado

Friday, September 9, 2011

What do you learn about drug rehab centers

The significant increase in the number of drug-rehabilitation center, an alarm the growing number of cases of drug abuse. We can hear and see what rehab centers are able to promote themselves. There are basically two types of rehabilitation centers. They are private individuals and not the government. Private rehabilitation centers are further classified into private, non-profit and private non-profit organizations.It 'true that these drug treatment centers have been very effective in the fight against drug addiction of a significant level.

Drug rehabilitation center well know how to treat their patients with possession of drug development. Follow their own procedures for handling, which is basically the same. E 'followed by medical consultations. Some centers offer a long-term residential program in which a patient has received fullCare for more than 60 or 90 days depending on your needs. This program is the most preferred because there are greater chances of successful rehabilitation. Other forms of treatment is short-term inpatient and outpatient rehabilitation, and 12-step-based theory for rehabilitation.

Drug Rehab Center

The price varies from center to center. In some cases, the actual range can vary from what is actually said. Therefore, it is advisable to obtain details of the servicethat will be made available. The next thing to keep in mind the location of the rehab center. We must be ready to be home within a couple of house, allowing you to visit regularly, because the support of friends and family may be more important than the treatment of a rehabilitation center.

What do you learn about drug rehab centers

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